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From Mid-Career Crisis To Extraordinary Careers
Are You Male or Female?
Men and Women often need have different journeys when dealing with their mid-career crisis
What Is Your Experience Range?
25 Years +
16-25 Years
10-15 years
<10 Years
What Does Your Professional Situation Look Like at the Moment?
I am currently actively looking for clarity and would like to get some help
I have clear idea of where I want my career to go to, but I am stuck because of my constraints
I have clear plans on what I want to do next and do not need any help
What is the biggest reason you are stuck
Serious Financial Constraints
My own limitations about being in my comfort zone
My current environment makes it difficult for me to get out
I dont know why but I feel stuck
People in your Situation Usually Suffer from one of these 4 Situations. Which One applies MOST to you?
Experiencing Stress regularly
Feeling a lack of Direction
Missing the strategy to build a powerful career
Lack of Time
How Many Hours Do You Usually Sleep per Night?
<4 h
4 - 5,5 h
5,5 - 7 h
7 - 8,5 h
8,5+ h
Submit The Survey Response
Shilpa Kulshrestha
Founder of Scintillate Pty Ltd
Best Selling Author of "Play It Full"